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For current inventory or to request custom pieces, please contact us at haolewoodworks@gmail.com or 786-512-5349.
Your Haole Woodworks piece is treated with a food-safe oil and wax blend to enhance and protect its natural finish. To preserve its beauty and prevent damage, avoid soaking it in water, and never place it in the dishwasher, refrigerator, or microwave.
For daily care, hand wash the piece with soap and lukewarm water, rinse thoroughly, and dry it by hand. Over time, and with repeated use, the finish may appear dull or feel dry. When this happens, reapply oil to restore its luster. We recommend using Walrus Oil for the best results. Apply a small amount to the surface with a lint-free cloth, let it absorb for 20-30 minutes, and then buff off any excess oil with a clean, lint-free cloth. While food-safe mineral oil is also an option, it evaporates over time and may require more frequent applications. Avoid using vegetable-based oils, as they can become rancid. By following these care instructions, your Haole Woodworks piece can remain a cherished item for generations. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us.